Always held in the dead of winter, Cliché's annual 'Avoid the Grey' show will once again help us survive the bleak Minnesota winter and keep us looking forward to warmer weather and spring fashion...despite the wind chill.
The show's inspiration this year will be icon Evlis Presley in Jail House Rock. Boutique owners Joshua and Delayna Sundberg said we can look forward seeing the "current late 1950's-1960's fashion trend with a modern finale inspired by a
W Magazine spread by Steven Meisel..."
Read more about their 2011 inspiration.
Avoid the Grey 2011: Jail House Rock
Saturday, January 29th 2011
Old Arizona Theater
3 Shows: 3pm, 7pm, & 9:30pm
Tickets can be purchased at
We'll leave you with this 'Avoid the Grey' Preview with Caitlin being her adorable self.
Avoid the Grey SS11 Preview
Josh Stokes
Hair and Makeup:
Kate Erickson